Surgery Number: 01522 888823 Mobile Number: 07919884152
First Class Footcare
HCPC and Royal College Registered Podiatry
First Class Footcare Podiatry Surgery is privileged to serve the community of Lincoln and surrounding areas and offer personalised, one-on-one care to every patient. We provide Podiatry treatment plans through quality upto date knowledge, research and diagnoses, with indivial patient centered procedures.
Get in touch to schedule your appointment either by text, Whatapp, phone or email. We run a 10 hour, 4 day a week appointment only surgery from 7am-5pm, with home visiting Mondays and out of surgery commitments at Market Rasen Clinic and Lincoln City Football Club Tuesdays. Early morning and late evening appointments are available by request.

Royal College and HCPC Registered Podiatrist
Easily accessible on the High Street in Lincoln.
First Class Footcare Podiatry Surgery specialises in diagnosing and carefully treating various cases while making sure each patient is fully informed throughout the process. Serving the Lincoln and surrounding area, First Class Footcare Podiatry Surgery is known for delivering outstanding results while creating a suitable treatment plan for your needs.

Julian Soons, is our onsite HCPC registered Podiatrist (ch19281) at First Class Footcare. Julian is registered with the Royal College of podiatry as well as the Health and Care Professions Council. Julian has been a registered Podatrist with experience in private practise for over 20 years. Julian's extended scope of practise ranges from providing high quality care in diabetes, biomechanics and nail surgery. Julian not only runs his business and High Street Prastice in Lincoln, but also extends his practise to delivering high quality professional treatment, assesment and diagnosis to Lincoln City Football Club Players and Staff, and a monthly clincal setting in the community in Market Rasen.
Surgery Number: 01522 888823 Mobile Number: 07919884152